Misdemeanor Defense Attorney

A misdemeanor may not seem like a serious offense, but it is one that can result in a criminal record that may cause future problems in your life. For instance, if could affect a job application or increase your insurance. Even if you do not serve any jail time and just have to pay fines, the consequences reach much further.
Therefore you should obtain representation of an experienced Huron County defense lawyer. A Michigan misdemeanor offense may not seem like a “big deal,” but others who have a misdemeanor offense on their record will say otherwise. There are long term consequences. Our criminal defense attorney can work hard for you to either have the charges dismissed or to ensure that the consequences are not as serious as they could be going it alone.

Give our office a call today for a complimentary case evaluation.

To schedule a free initial consultation with Michael Murawski, call (989) 551-6453 or contact us online.

Property Division – The division of property and debt is often one of the most contentious issues in a divorce; protecting your assets and interests is our job.


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